What We Do

Children’s Rights Protection Initiatives

Children Empowerment Network (CEN) thinks that every child has the right to live free from violence, exploitation, and abuse. CEN will always vow to fight all forms of violence against children and will put all efforts to fight against the consequences of Domestic Violence.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

Today, we are experiencing children situations dwelling in slums with vulnerable and poor reproductive health due to a lack of awareness about reproductive health and low life skills. They are in a crucial stage of their life cycle and their health can affect the health of future generations. There is a possibility of the high prevalence of early pregnancies, menstrual/reproductive morbidity, self-treated abortion, and low knowledge about modes of HIV transmission/prevention and use of contraceptives among them.

Mobilize Against School Drop-Outs

Despite the government improvements and efforts towards school dropout cases, the school dropout rate in Rwanda has persisted and recent statics from Rwanda Education Board mentioned 14,7% to 29,8% from 2014 to 2020 for all levels of education, placing poverty as the ultimate cause of school dropout. We mobilize children through different strategies of the preventive system the importance of attending schools whenever there is a chance, and we try to knock on every door that can be willing to finance the studies of poorly vulnerable children in our area.

Early Pregnancies and Lack of Awareness About Reproductive Health

Early pregnancies and lack of awareness about reproductive health are significant issues that continue to affect our community. These pregnancies can have serious health, social, and economic consequences for both young mothers and their children. Some key factors contributing to early pregnancies include - Lack of comprehensive sex education, Insufficient knowledge about contraception, sexual health, and reproductive rights often lead to unplanned pregnancies among young people. Limited access to contraceptives, Poverty and inequality, and Lack of awareness about reproductive health

Any Other Child Advocacy

Any other Child advocacy that can encompass various areas aimed at protecting and promoting the rights and well-being of children like Education and Access to Quality Education, Healthcare and Nutrition, Child Labor and Exploitation, Juvenile Justice, Mental Health and Well-being, etc.

Children’s Rights Protection Initiatives

Children Empowerment Network (CEN) thinks that every child has the right to live free from violence, exploitation, and abuse. CEN will always vow to fight all forms of violence against children and will put all efforts to fight against the consequences of Domestic Violence.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Education

Today, we are experiencing children situations dwelling in slums with vulnerable and poor reproductive health due to a lack of awareness about reproductive health and low life skills. They are in a crucial stage of their life cycle and their health can affect the health of future generations. There is a possibility of the high prevalence of early pregnancies, menstrual/reproductive morbidity, self-treated abortion, and low knowledge about modes of HIV transmission/prevention and use of contraceptives among them.

Mobilize Against School Drop-Outs

Despite the government improvements and efforts towards school dropout cases, the school dropout rate in Rwanda has persisted and recent statics from Rwanda Education Board mentioned 14,7% to 29,8% from 2014 to 2020 for all levels of education, placing poverty as the ultimate cause of school dropout. We mobilize children through different strategies of the preventive system the importance of attending schools whenever there is a chance, and we try to knock on every door that can be willing to finance the studies of poorly vulnerable children in our area.

Early Pregnancies and Lack of Awareness About Reproductive Health

Early pregnancies and lack of awareness about reproductive health are significant issues that continue to affect our community. These pregnancies can have serious health, social, and economic consequences for both young mothers and their children. Some key factors contributing to early pregnancies include - Lack of comprehensive sex education, Insufficient knowledge about contraception, sexual health, and reproductive rights often lead to unplanned pregnancies among young people. Limited access to contraceptives, Poverty and inequality, and Lack of awareness about reproductive health

Any Other Child Advocacy

Any other Child advocacy that can encompass various areas aimed at protecting and promoting the rights and well-being of children like Education and Access to Quality Education, Healthcare and Nutrition, Child Labor and Exploitation, Juvenile Justice, Mental Health and Well-being, etc.

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