About Us

Why Children Empowerment Network?

The widespread failure to protect children is a global crisis, with 0.5-1.5 billion children experiencing violence each year, 150 million girls and 73 million boys being raped or subject to sexual violence, and 115 million children engaged in extremely harmful forms of work across the globe. Violation of children’s rights is an unacceptable situation, which must be remedied urgently, no matter what the costs. In addition to affecting the current well-being of children, the widespread inadequate care and protection of children are also affecting the achievement of broader development objectives relating to child survival and health, education, economic growth, and equity. Many girls and boys die each year because they are abused, neglected, or exploited.

Vulnerable children that survive into adulthood can be at a significant disadvantage, with many experiencing developmental delays, gaps in their schooling, and mental and physical health problems due to their maltreatment. The stigma, discrimination, and diminished life chances faced by children who are abused, exploited, and neglected exacerbate inequity. The alarming impacts of child protection failures are likely to grow in significance unless something is done urgently. Children around the world want more support to enable them to grow up free from violence, and within caring, safe families.

Besides all those issues, in most of our villages, today, we are experiencing children’s situations dwelling in slums vulnerable to poor reproductive health due to a lack of awareness about reproductive health and low life skills. They are in a crucial stage of their life cycle and their health can affect the health of future generations. There is a possibility of the high prevalence of menstrual/reproductive morbidity, self-treated abortion, and low knowledge about modes of HIV transmission/prevention and use of contraceptives among them.

In that regard, the Children Empowerment Network (The shields of Children) aims at leveling up behavior change communication towards the protection of Rwandan Children to confront and deal with contemporary issues, among others:


Children Empowerment Network (The Shields of Children) is a local initiative of the Youth of Muhanga District, in Southern Province that put their efforts together in 2016 to fight against any form of Violence against children and violation of their rights. The initiative found its moral support in the preventive-based education system of Saint Jean Bosco (Don Bosco's preventive system is based on three fundamental principles: reason, religion, and love. It is a method of prevention rather than repression, aimed at helping young people to become responsible, autonomous, and happy citizens. Don Bosco's preventive system is a holistic approach to education, which takes into account the intellectual, emotional, moral, spiritual, and physical dimensions of young people, and encourages them to take charge of their own personal and social development). We are currently located in Oratorio Don Bosco of the Kabgayi Diocese.


To be the voice of voiceless children including vulnerable and commonly excluded children such as those without adequate care and protection.


To be one day, the region’s best and leading initiative recognized in Children’s Rights Protection Initiatives

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